Online Advertising Rates

Extend your reach through advertising on

Run of site
  6x 12x
$400 $275
Run of site
  6x 12x
$400 $275
*6 months contract minimum

Web Insertion Orders/Materials:

Web Traffic Manager, Virgo Publishing, Inc, N. Central Ave, Suite , Phoenix, Az 2, , fax:

Web Ad Requirements:

Java, Javascript, Shockwave or VRML0 are not accepted at this time. File Format: GIF, JPG or Flash. Maximim File Size: 20K

Animation Guidelines: Please no flashing images or rapid frame in animated GIF89a files.

Web Closing Materials: Submitted 2 weeks prior to start date.

Web Terms: All ads are pre-paid, Visa and Mastercard accepted. A 15% agency commission will be given to recognized agencies, provided invoices are paid within terms. Virgo reserves the right, using its sole discretion, to accept, reject or edit any advertisement not within Virgo's publishing standards. Advertiser and or agency assumes sole responsibility for the content of all advertising and will indemnify and hold harmless Virgo Publishingand its subsidiaries for any claims rising against Virgo, including but not limited to, claims for defamation, invasion of privacy, and trademark and copyright infringement. Ads may rotate up to five advertisers per space.

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