Rate Card #2

Black and White


Full Page
2/3 Page
1/2 Page
1/3 Page
1/4 Page
1/6 Page


Standard Color Add $795 per color
PMS or Matched Colors Add $895 per color
Metallic-Color Add $995
Four-Color Add $
Four-Color Spread Add $

Bleed: No additional charge

Inserts: Contact publisher for rates and specifications.

Cover Positions: Cover 4 +25%, Covers 2 and 3 +15%, all other special positions +10%

*Rate card based on total circulation of 3,000 qualified readers

Ad Dimensions (Horizontal x Vertical in Inches)

Single Page


83/8" x 111/8"

Trim (copy must be at least 1/4" from trim)

81/8" x 107/8"

Full Page (non-bleed)

7" x 10"
2/3 Page Vertical 45/8" x 10"

1/2 Page Horizontal Spread


161/2" x 51/2"
Trim (copy must be at least 1/4" from trim) 161/4" x 53/8"

1/2 Page Horizontal


83/8" x 51/2"
Trim (copy must be at least 1/4" from trim) 81/8" x 53/8"

1/2 Page Horizontal (non-bleed)

7" x 47/8"

1/2 Page Vertical

45/8" x 73/8"

1/3 Page Vertical

21/4" x 10"

1/3 Page Square

45/8" x 47/8"

1/3 Page Horizontal

7" x 31/4"

1/4 Page Vertical

35/8" x 47/8"
1/6 Page Vertical 21/4" x 47/8"
2 Page Spread
Bleed 161/2" x 111/8"
Trim (copy must be 1/4" from trim) 161/4" x 107/8"

Send materials to:
 Attn Traffic Coordinator,
 forensic nurse,
 Virgo Publishing, Inc.
  N. Central Avenue,
 Phoenix, AZ 2


MATERIALS: Digital files/ad specifications: Must be designed in QuarkXpress, Photoshop or Illustrator. Must be CMYK for color. No Pantones unless specifically requested. Include all fonts, images and any other attachments needed for output. Please contact your traffic coordinator if other programs being used are not compatible with programs mentioned here. Instructions, additional specifications and support files are available on our website or by fax. Please call for more information. Color proof required. Digital files are preferred. For an additional charge we will accept film. All supplied film will be CopyDot scanned.


CLOSING: Digital files must be received by Virgo materials deadline date. Copy to be typeset or designed by Virgo must be received by Virgo 70 days prior to cover date. If copy or artwork has not been received by Virgo prior to press time, Virgo may elect to substitute available materials and previously run advertisements in their place. Cancellations not accepted unless received at least 60 days prior to cover date in writing. Cover date is the 1st of the month stated on the issue and in the advertising agreement unless otherwise specified.

TERMS: All payment terms must be in writing and are subject to management approval. All invoices are net 10 days, unless otherwise specified. After 10 days, the gross rate stated in the advertising agreement will be due. Account balances with invoices past terms are subject to a 1 1/2% monthly finance charge and all invoices past terms may be subject to a 20% late fee.

COMMISSIONS: A 15% percent agency commission will be given to recognized agencies, provided invoices are paid within terms.

COLLECTIONS: Should advertiser and/or agency default on any of its payments of advertising bills, advertiser and/or agency become responsible for all costs of collection, including, but not limited to, collection fees, attorney fees, travel expenses, and court costs.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: $49.95 for one year, $54.95 per year Canadian, $54.95 per year foreign. Payable in US funds only. Non-refundable.


a. Virgo reserves the right, using its sole discretion, to accept, reject, or edit any advertisement not within Virgo's publishing standards.

b. Advertiser and/or agency assumes sole responsibility for the content of all advertising printed by Virgo and will indemnify and hold Virgo harmless for any claims arising against Virgo, including, but not limited to, claims for defamation, invasion of privacy, and trademark, and copyright infringement.

c. Virgo will charge the advertiser the prevailing market rates for the typesetting, layout, or designing of advertisements.

d. Advertiser and/or agency will be billed or have deducted from prepaid amount(s) any frequency discounts given by Virgo which become inapplicable due to schedule cancellation over the term of the agreement. Advertiser and/or agency will be billed at the current one-time rate when multiple insertion contracts and/or insertion orders are not on file with Virgo. Advertiser and/or agency has the option to revise a contract to increase or decrease the frequency rate. Decreases in frequency must meet Virgo's written cancellation policy. In the event of a contract revision, advertiser and/or agency will either be short-rated or credited, depending on the actual earned space used or to be used.

e. Notice will be given before rate changes. Any contract made before rate changes will be billed at the new rate.

f. Advertising rates are based on an average paid and non-paid circulation of 3,000. Exact circulation of publication may vary from issue to issue.

g. Any advertiser and/or agency based in a foreign country must prepay for each advertising insertion prior to advertisement being published.


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