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Proper Physical-Evidence Collection and Training in the ED is Essential to the Forensic Process
By Kimberly A. Pavlik

The Forensic Nurse as an Expert Witness

Editor's Letter
ED Personnel Need Forensic-Evidence Observation and Collection Training

A Tribute to Barbara Spence O’Donnell

News & Views
High-Court Ruling on Videotaped Testimonies Could Add New Hurdle in Prosecution of Child, Elder Abuse Cases


A Few Words of Gratitude

We've been thanked profusely by readers for launching forensic nurse magazine, and it's gratifying to read the thoughtful comments and words of praise from members of the forensic nursing and forensic science communities. However, my message to you in this, our second issue, is one of heartfelt appreciation. You are the reason why this magazine exists, and you have the power to help us create a publication that meets and exceeds your personal interests and professional needs.

I reflect on a publishing journey that at turns seemed like a crawl to the starting line and a race to the finish line. In the earliest days of my research I encountered great enthusiasm from forensic nurses, but some skepticism from a marketplace that wasn't sure it knew exactly what a forensic nurse was. Many don't realize that living forensic patients exist and that forensic nursing is at the heart of interacting with these individuals. We are still educating the business world about this remarkable nursing specialty, showing them your authority, your prowess, your dedication and most of all, your need to grow and fulfill the promise of your destiny as the heart and soul of medico-legal proceedings.

I thank my colleagues here at Virgo Publishing, Inc. for encouraging me to pursue this dream and working hard to see my vision for the magazine through the same binoculars. When a goal is distant, it's easy to become disheartened, so I thank all the individuals who kept me going. You know who you are and how wonderful you've been to me. Even though we stumbled a bit after September 11th and had to delay publication of the premiere issue, you were patient and understanding. You realized we had to navigate the publishing process through a tumultuous economy and try to convince a shell-shocked, grieving community that the launch of forensic nurse magazine had everything to do with the biggest forensic story in the world.

My eternal gratitude goes out to every member of the forensic community who lent me their ear, shared their wisdom, gave freely of their advice and provided inspiration for this magazine. I don't have enough space to list everyone by name, but please know that your valuable contributions have made so much possible and that without you, we wouldn't have come so far in so little time.

I am thankful to our advertisers who see the value of this publication and understand what we are accomplishing together. Your faith in our early vision allowed this magazine to be born, and with your continued support, it will continue to grow and serve its audience well. I ask every forensic professional who enjoys and uses this magazine to consider patronizing our advertisers. If you use their products, tell them you saw their ad in forensic nurse magazine. Tell them why you need this publication. Their continued support is the only way to ensure you'll be reading forensic nurse next month, next year and five years from now. Like the magazine? Ask a friend to check us out. Want your own copy? Please consider subscribing. Your vote of confidence keeps us alive and working hard for you. I'm so glad you've chosen to be part of the forensic nurse family.

Here's to exploring new frontiers!

Kelly M. Pyrek
Publisher/Editor in Chief

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