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Bloodstain Patterns and Interpretation
By Kenneth S. Passan, RN, BS

Editor's Letter
Championing the Crime Lab, and Separating Fact From Fiction

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Crime Scene Products Fit the Latest Trends in Investigation
By Tina Brooks

With crime on the rise, law enforcement and forensic professionals turn to the latest technology to help solve cases.

"As the art and science of the industry develops, we adapt with it," says James Gocke, vice president of Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories, Inc. "Ten years ago we didn't talk about DNA. Now, we have evidence collection kits that are primarily designed for the collection, preservation and processing of DNA evidence."

Jay Walker, president of Tri-Tech, Inc., says the biggest trend in forensic nursing has been the shift from whole blood tubes to blood collection filter paper cards for the collection of known blood samples from victims of sexual assault. "It eliminates storage problems at the crime lab," he says. "If you take the number of sexual assaults within the country and that many blood tubes, the storage of refrigerated blood can cause an overwhelming problem for crime labs. In a lot of cases that evidence is kept for years."

"Anything pertaining to DNA is of interest," Walker says. He adds that Tri-Tech manufactures a series of DNA suspect kits, including a buccal swab kit, a whole blood kit and a fingerstick blood collection kit. Once the suspect's blood is collected and DNA is extracted, it can be compared to unknown blood or unknown body fluid collected at the crime scene. "Our products are designed to meet the needs of crime laboratory personnel, law enforcement or forensic nurses," Walker says. "Our job is to produce a kit that will stand up in court."

One of the more popular products Sirchie manufactures is an electrostatic dust printer, which lifts shoe print or feet impressions from dust, Gocke says. Another product is the reflective ultraviolet imaging system, known as a crime scene imager. The combination of a lens and an ultraviolet imaging tube enhances the ability to see latent prints or other pieces of physical evidence radiated with ultraviolet light.

Gocke says forensic professionals look for serviceable and useable products. "If they spend the dollar with us, they want a product that will return that value."

Walker and Gocke say sexual assault kits constitute the majority of product purchases for forensic nurses. UV lights are also being purchased in great quantities.

Sirchie generally manufactures its sexual assault kits to the protocol established by customers. Gocke says forensic nurses influence the kinds of products being produced by becoming more attuned to what are good collection devices and offering feedback.

"The better trained the practitioners become, the more demanding they'll be for having the right types of equipment and materials," Gocke says, "then we'll respond to it in the industry."


Misonix Evidence Drying Cabinet

Misonix Evidence Drying Cabinets safely dry wet evidence while protecting the evidence from cross contamination. Activated carbon and HEPA filters are used to protect lab workers from bacteria and odors in addition to particulate pre-filters. The aluminum frame has a rust resistant, powder-coated finish and the interior is a molded fiberglass liner. The liner is void of seams and welds and is highly scratch resistant. or www.misonix.com


Wallach's Total Recall Digital Imaging System

The Total Recall digital imaging system offers versatile components that help turn a video colposcope into an all-inclusive operational package. The proprietary, state-of-the-art software and video capture board offers real-time viewing, high-definition prints, file storage, video enhancements, measurement and graphics capability, plus a voice file system. Operators are able to capture, retrieve, delete and annotate images, as well as simultaneously display up to 16 thumbnail images plus the real-time image. www.wallachsurgical.com


Sirchie's Mini Bluemaxx

Sirchie's Mini Bluemaxx is designed for locating and photographing a variety of forensic evidence from physiological fluids such as urine, saliva and semen; latent prints enhanced with fluorescent powders and dyes; to Luminol-enhanced blood. The Mini Bluemaxx emits a blue light that is viewed through either the orange barrier filter mounted on the unit or orange goggles. or www.sirchie.com


Tri-Tech's Mobile Evidence Drying Cabinet

Tri-Tech's Mobile Evidence Drying Cabinet provides a tamper-resistant area for drying clothing, bed sheets, blankets or other evidence. The cabinet is constructed of a PVC frame and floor pan, covered on all sides with a synthetic mesh fabric. The fabric doesn't absorb liquids and can be cleaned with household detergents and bleach solutions, eliminating bloodborne pathogens and DNA cross contamination. or www.tritechusa.com


ECPI's Swab Boxes

ECPI's Swab Boxes feature "pop-up" tabs to allow a swab to dry securely. The tabs suspend the swab away from the sides of the box. Also available is Premo Swab, a pre-moistened swab sterilized with gamma radiation. The swab was developed to avoid cross contamination and eliminate the need of having to moisten a swab with sterile water from a crime scene kit. or www.crime-scene.com


Sirchie's Sexual Assault Victim Evidence Collection Kit

Sirchie's Sexual Assault Victim Evidence Collection Kit provides items necessary to assemble and preserve evidentiary specimens. Detailed instructions are provided to systematically collect physiological samples. Customized kits are also available. or www.sirchie.com


Tri-Tech's Suspect Known Blood Standard Collection Kit

Tri-Tech offers a Suspect Known Blood Standard Collection Kit to collect "known" blood samples from suspects for comparison with "unknown" blood or other body fluids at the crime scene. The kit contains all components for drawing blood samples and tamper-evident blood tube seals. Also included are instructions defining and separating the responsibilities of medical personnel from investigating officers. or www.tritechusa.com



Olympus Camedia Mobile Digital Imaging Kit

The CAMEDIA Mobile Digital Imaging Kit was designed for field professionals in areas such as law enforcement and death investigation. The CAMEDIA Mobile Digital Imaging kit includes the CAMEDIA Brio Zoom D-150 digital camera with two 8MB SmartMedia removable memory cards, CAMEDIA P-200 portable instant photo printer, P-200 car power adapter, NiMH long-life rechargeable batteries and charger, carrying case and the Olympus DS-150 digital voice recorder. Multiple hard copies of clear, high-quality images can be generated instantly for documentation purposes, while digital copies can be used for archiving and e-mailing. www.olympus.com


Genetic Technologies, Inc. is a full-service, accredited DNA analysis company providing the testing and evaluation of forensic and paternity DNA. Established in , Genetic Technologies serves a customer base comprised of private citizens, law enforcement agencies, private investigators and attorneys with a broad range of DNA testing and consulting services for both civil applications and criminal prosecution/defense investigations. The firm's legally admissible services are utilized to determine the identity of a human being in a variety of situations, including: parentage/paternity testing, infidelity studies, sexual harassment, sexual assault, murder and automobile accident reconstruction. or www.genetictechnologies.com.

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