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DNA Evidence and its Impact on Court Cases
By Kimberly A. Pavlik

Female Forensic Mental Health: Assertive Community Treatment

Speaking for the Dead: A Day in the Life of a Nurse Coroner

The Forensic Nurse as an Expert Witness: Preparation for Legal Proceedings

Editor's Letter
The Growing Epidemic of “Femicide”

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Purchasing 101: Product Showcase

Cooper Surgical

The most critical part of building a criminal case is the establishment of the integrity of the evidence. ImageQUEST, by Cooper Surgical/Leisegang, is the only system available today with the ability to insure the integrity of an image from the point of capture to the moment of presentation. Cooper Surgical/Leisegang is a world leader in colposcope and forensic documentation systems.

All-Pro Imaging

MedScope, a system for the documentation of forensic evidence in cases of suspected sexual and physical abuse, is manufactured by All-Pro Imaging, a division of Air Techniques, Inc., Its wide range of focus and magnification allow the MedScope to image both sexual and physical abuse. Since the MedScope has a wider depth of field than an optical colposcope, it is particularly useful where some motion is possible; for example, imaging children. The MedScope consists of a small video camera with External and Internal lenses, a camera holder, a monitor, video printer, an S-Video VCR and an equipment cart.


The Medtech Forensics Serology/DNA Evidence Collection Kit contains all of the supplies necessary to properly collect and preserve serological evidence such as blood, semen, or other body fluids. This kit contains sterile water, sterile swabs, sterile gauze, glassine papers and blade, tweezers, cotton thread patch, envelopes, evidence seals, and more. The kit is packaged in a plastic box. or www.medtechforensics.com

Terra Universal

Terra Universal manufactures drying cabinets that protect evidence and lab personnel against aerosols, pathogens and odors. The HEPA filtration module removes sub-micron particles from the incoming airflow. Dual HEPA and charcoal exit filters protect the lab against airborne contaminants and necrotic odors. Locking, isolated compartments prevent cross contamination and evidence tampering. or www.terraforensic.com.

Optical Services

Optical Services Co. designed the Light Staining Microscope Models OS04 and OS06 to accommodate the special needs of forensic nurses. In order to facilitate nurses' collection of evidence, the instruments were designed to be simple to use and easy to detect sperm in vaginal fluids. By eliminating many microscope complexities such as four objective lenses, aperture stop, field stop, condenser lens focus and coarse focus, the microscope becomes easier to use. To make detection of sperm and some microorganisms efficient, a method of optically coloring them yellow against a blue background was adopted. www.oscco.biz

Quincy Technologies

CASEManager is a cost-effective software system that assists in the collection, storage, retrieval and analysis of forensic case data, text, documents and images. Customizable to meet the specific needs of the medical examiner, coroner, forensic investigator, law enforcement or mortuary affairs professional, CASEManager helps standardize information collected from a death or clinical investigation. IMAGEManager is designed for the private practice or solo-practice specialist. It facilitates the capture or importing of images from any imaging modality. The user can database those images, generate reports, create teaching files, add voice and text to records and images, search studies and images, build peer review and professional presentations, and utilize the power of the Internet to provide images and reports. or www.quincytech.com


Fitzco is a family owned and operated business dedicated to providing customers with quality products and unparalleled service. Fitzco carries a complete line of law enforcement, medical and forensic products. Also, Fitzco stresses the commercialization of new tchnologies and is on the cutting edge of specimen kit manufacturing. or www.fitzcoinc.com 

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