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DNA Evidence and its Impact on Court Cases
By Kimberly A. Pavlik

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Forensic Conference Delivers Sun, Stars and Science

I don't follow popular culture very closely, so I'm strongly immune to celebrity watching. And although I have had the opportunity to interview many notable individuals in politics, law, education and healthcare, I'm not one who is easily star-struck (Well, there was the time I was standing about 100 feet from newly elected President Bill Clinton when I was a member of the Southern California press corps in , and I was feeling a little giddy about the whole thing.) However, I'll let you in on a little secret -- I do become slightly weak in the knees when I meet a celebrity of the forensic world. In the two years that I have been working as a journalist within the forensic community, I have had the privilege to talk to an astounding number of incredible individuals, many who are household names in the forensic realm. You can't turn on a cable news channel without hearing their expert opinions on famous cases, and you certainly can't go to a bookstore without seeing their names and faces connected to best-selling titles. One of those in-demand, esteemed experts is Dr. Michael Baden.

I met Dr. B two years ago in Phoenix at the exceptional forensic nursing conference sponsored by the Veterans Administration and organized by the tireless forensic nurses Mary Sullivan and Barbara Spence O'Donnell. My company, Virgo Publishing, Inc., helped sponsor a networking reception for conference VIPs, and that's where I first encountered this larger-than-life individual. That night, this venerable forensic pathologist and former New York City ME was dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, looking casual, relaxed and utterly approachable; he looked nothing like the suited, stern, authoritative MD I knew from the media. At that time, forensic nurse magazine was still on the drawing board, but Dr. B showed immense interest in the concept, the mission and our vision for a publication celebrating forensic nurses and their contributions to the forensic community. We chatted for a very long time, and to my astonishment, Dr. B pulled out his checkbook and paid for the very first subscription--even before the actual magazine had been born. I'll never forget what he said: "Forensic nursing is an idea whose time has come and forensic nurse magazine is the way to chronicle that."

What I have discovered is that while forensic icons like Dr. Baden are impeccable, consummate professionals whose celebrity status makes them appear forbidding, unreachable and detached, they are immensely likable, warm, passionate people who have dedicated their lives to the medico-legal process and to educating their colleagues.

In June, forensic nurse magazine will bring together high-profile stars of the forensic community, like Dr. Baden, and the unsung heroes for four unforgettable days of networking and learning. It is with great pleasure that I announce our conference, Forensic Focus : A Forum for Nurses, Medical Examiners, Technologists, Investigators and Other Forensic Practitioners, to be held June 17-20, in Scottsdale, Ariz. Produced by forensic nurse magazine, this event will offer you the opportunity to learn from some of the biggest names in the forensic arena. The event will offer pre-conference workshops, plenary and concurrent sessions, plus a special panel on the prosecution of healthcare professionals who kill. We can't name-drop just yet and we won't reveal all the exciting surprises in store for participants, but we guarantee the conference will challenge your perspective, enhance your skills, provide new tools and knowledge, and enable you to network with your colleagues--medical examiners, crime lab directors and technologists, members of law enforcement and the legal community, and of course stupendous forensic nurses of all specialties from all over the country.

You'll find a special conference program inside this issue, or you can register online at www.forensicfocus.net. You already love forensic nurse; now get ready to discover a new, fun and invigorating way to celebrate your profession in the valley of the sun. Bring your sunscreen and don't forget your sunglasses ... after all, you may just encounter a few celebrities and the star power will be dazzling.

Kelly M. Pyrek
Publisher/Editor in Chief

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