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Kidnapping: A Community’s Concern
By Kenneth Passan, RN, FNC, BS

Editor's Letter
Theme of This Year’s National Nurses Week is a Fitting Tribute to Forensic Nursing

News & Views


Kaplan College Launches Online Forensic Nursing Programs

In response to a growing interest among nurses to explore alternative career options, Kaplan College has launched two new online programs for registered nurses (RNs): a Forensic Nursing Certificate and a Legal Nurse Consulting Certificate. Offered online through Kaplan College and available only to RNs, the 12-month programs are designed to provide nurses with the knowledge of how to apply their nursing education and clinical experience to alternative career paths. Both programs are not for credit and are part of Health Care Pathways, a series of programs within Kaplan College's School of Continuing Education developed for professionals in the healthcare industry.

The Forensic Nursing Certificate curriculum, the first online program of its kind, provides RNs with skills in the legal, scientific and psychosocial aspects of forensic nursing. Students will explore the scientific investigation and treatment of victims and perpetrators of abuse, violence, criminal activity, sexual assault, and traumatic events. Graduates can pursue a wide array of exciting career opportunities, including positions in medical examiners' offices, law enforcement agencies, social service agencies and specialized hospital units.

The attorney-instructed Legal Nurse Consultant Certificate curriculum trains RNs in legal principles and practices, exploring areas of civil litigation, torts and medical liability, medical records summary and review and healthcare risk management. Legal nurse consultants (LNCs) provide clinical expertise to attorneys and insurers, paving the way for opportunities at law firms specializing in personal injury or medical malpractice, with healthcare facilities in risk management, or in independent practice.

Reports show a recent trend of nurses seeking to explore less stressful career paths within the nursing field; notably, many are leaving the operating room for the courtroom. From to , membership in the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants nearly quadrupled, from less than 1,000 to nearly 4,000.

"These new programs offer challenging and dynamic learning opportunities for RNs who are interested in applying their clinical nursing experience and healthcare knowledge to new and diverse career fields," says Barbara Sonderling, executive director of Kaplan College's Health Care Pathways.

The Forensic Nursing Certificate curriculum was developed by renowned forensic pathology veteran Julie Brown, MD, MBA, RN. Brown was a neonatal ICU nurse for seven years prior to completion of medical school. Initially a pediatrician, she developed an interest in forensic pathology and eventually became a medical examiner. She is a member of the Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT) and responds to mass fatalities on the federal level and to federal medical disasters, including events such as the September 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, the flooding caused by Hurricane Floyd, and the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990. Brown is also a member of DMORT WMD, a specialty disaster team responsible for decontaminating bodies of fatalities from Weapons of Mass Destruction incidents.

Kaplan College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA).

DNA Sexual Assault Justice Act of is Reintroduced

Following commencement of the 108th Congress Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Delaware) has reintroduced the DNA Sexual Assault Justice Act of on January 14, . Last year Biden had introduced this piece of legislation, blending new provisions with the Debbie Smith Act (HR ) to address the rape-kit DNA-evidence processing backlog. Although the bill garnered bi-partisan support and passed the Senate last fall, the House did not take action.

Michigan Attorney General Charges Male Nurse with Criminal Sexual Conduct

Attorney General Mike Cox announced Feb. 4, that his office charged a Genesee County man with four counts of criminal sexual conduct (CSC). The complaint alleges that Howard Stickney, while working as a certified registered nurse anesthetist, engaged in a pattern of criminal sexual activity after placing female patients under the influence of anesthetics. The alleged acts took place between April 30, and April 24, .

"Nothing is more disturbing than an individual abusing a position of trust to sexually assault another," Cox said. "I will be relentless in going after individuals who target those within their care. Whether they are seniors in nursing homes, children in foster care or a woman in a medical office, they will be protected by the full power of the Attorney General's Office."

Stickney is charged with one count of CSC in the third degree in Oakland, Genesee and Tuscola counties for criminal sexual penetration. Stickney is also charged with an additional count of CSC in the fourth degree in Genesee County for criminal sexual contact with a female patient.

The Department of Consumer and Industry Services summarily suspended Stickney's nursing license on November 7, , based on an administrative complaint issued by the Health Professionals Division on that same date. His license currently remains suspended.

A criminal charge is merely an accusation, and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless he is proved guilty. Each count carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison and mandatory testing for AIDS and the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children Launches Rapid Reaction Team

The Michael and Susan Dell Foundation announces a $3 million endowment for the start-up of a national missing child rapid response system known as Team Adam. Operated by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) and named after the abducted and murdered son of NCMEC co- founders, John and Reve Walsh, Team Adam is an on-site response and support system that provides human and technical assistance to local law enforcement that investigate cases of child abduction and child sexual exploitation.

Patterned in concept after the National Transportation Safety Board's system for sending specialists to the site of serious transportation incidents, Team Adam sends trained, retired law enforcement officers to the site of urgent child abductions and cases of child sexual exploitation.

According to the latest estimates released by a U.S. Department of Justice study, non-family members abduct 58,200 children each year; strangers perpetrate 45 percent of incidents. The study also found that approximately 115 kidnappings occur each year involving the child being transported 50 miles or more, held overnight, or held for ransom with the intent to keep the child permanently, or killed. Team Adam is designed to immediately respond to cases such as these, in which a child is in a position of greatest harm.


George Mason University's Office of Continuing Professional Education is sponsoring a forensic science seminar at the Hyatt Fair Lakes in Fairfax, Va. Criminalist Dr. Henry C. Lee will present "Advances in Forensic Science: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities." The cost is $459.
or www.ocpe.gmu.edu/.

"The Medicolegal Investigation of Death" seminar will be held at the Dearborn Inn in Dearborn, Mich. The event, now in its 27th year, is sponsored by Wayne State University School of Medicine, the Michigan State Police and the Fraternal Order of Police/State Lodge of Michigan. The course is approved for 22 nursing contact hours. The cost is $425.

"Current Aspects of Criminal Sexuality" will be presented by former FBI agent Roy Hazelwood, MS, at The Radisson Hotel Worthington in Columbus, Ohio. The event is presented by Specialized Training Services, Inc. www.specializedtraining.com

The Sexual Assault Response Teams at Palomar Pomerado Health, California Hospital Medical Center and University Community Medical Center will sponsor the Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner course, to be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Palomar Medical Center in Escondido, Calif. The course is designed for investigators, advocates and medical professionals who are interested in developing their roles as interdisciplinary team members for SART. The cost is $495 and the registration deadline is May 15, . or

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