PITTSBURGH -- AT&T Broadband, Adelphia Communications and Court TV are partnering to provide local middle and high schools with Court TV's award-winning public service initiative "Choices and Consequences." The educational curriculum is intended to reduce youth violence and help teens respond to bullying, teen pranks and other real-life issues. The curriculum is provided free to schools in the AT&T Broadband and Adelphia service areas.
The initiative was announced October 15 in Pittsburgh.
Emmy-nominated reporter Tonia Caruso, of WQED's On Q Magazine, hosted the event. Pittsburgh Public Schools teacher Larry Peglow, who teaches social studies at Greenway Middle School, conduced a demonstration of the "Choices and Consequences" curriculum with participating students from Greenway Middle School and Perry Traditional Academy schools. Following the demonstration, an open discussion of the issues was conducted with community leaders, parents, students and teachers in the audience.
A mayoral proclamation declaring October 15 "Choices and Consequences Day" in Pittsburgh was read.
Local area leaders who attended the event were Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen Zappala; Dr. Samuel DePaul, Penn Hills School District; Robert McNeily, Jr., Police Chief, City of Pittsburgh; Lillie Leonardi, community affairs specialist, FBI; Nate Harper, assistant police Chief, City of Pittsburgh; Thomas Corbett, Jr., chairman of PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency; Gwen Elliott, Gwen's Girls; Honorable Tom Lloyd, mayor of Dormont; and, Ophelia Coleman, Pittsburgh detective.
AT&T Broadband Senior Vice President Jeff Harshman said, "We are proud to work with our colleagues at Court TV and Adelphia to bring this important program to the Pittsburgh area. Choices and Consequences can have a profound positive impact in our community and addresses issues that are both timely and important."
Frank Polito, regional director of governmental and community affairs at Adelphia, added: "We are pleased to be providing this valuable program to schools through our cable systems. This program underscores Adelphia's ongoing commitment to playing an active role in the communities we serve."
The middle school curriculum, which is based on actual trial coverage of cases involving teen perpetrators, has been proven in an independent research study to be effective in reducing adolescent aggression. The curriculum that focuses on teen pranks has been selected for Ohio's middle schools. This curriculum, consisting of four units, contains case studies based on actual trials involving teenage perpetrators and victims. They are titled "Teen Pranks," "Daring Your Friends," "Fighting" and "The Stop Sign Case."
The units highlight the possibility that bad decisions can lead to tragic circumstances.
Also, AT&T Broadband and Adelphia Communications will make available to high schools in the region Court TV's education package, "Homicide: Life on the Street: Lessons in Law." Based on the Emmy and Peabody Award-winning television series "Homicide: Life on the Street," this curriculum uses taped excerpts from the series that presents examples of various kinds of negative behavior. It includes topics such as bullying in school, the importance of being an eyewitness to a crime, the use of force for defense of self and property, and juvenile and adult court systems.
Court TV's Choices and Consequences (www.courttv.com/choices) is an award-winning public affairs and education initiative that empowers youth to make responsible decisions and to contribute positively to society. Choices and Consequences sensitizes youth to the risks of aggressive behavior, with the realization that decisions made in a moment can have consequences for a lifetime. Through the use of communications tools and curricula, teachers, parents and caring adults are able to educate youth with information that is critical to their long-term wellbeing.
Source: PRNewswire