30-Year Anniversary of the Welsch Case; Landmark Case Lead to the Closing Of Nine Mental Hospitals in Minnesota
Posted on: 10/02/
In , Richard Welsch brought a lawsuit against the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Services to force the state to provide better care for people with disabilities.
Welsch's daughter Patty had severe developmental disabilities and was a resident at Cambridge State Hospital. The family was horrified with the treatment Patty was receiving. In one instance, the hospital responded to a biting problem that Patty developed by removing all of her teeth. Her family was torn between having her at home and risking their safety, or having her in the hospital sedated and most of the time restrained.
The case took 17 years to resolve. As a result, today Minnesota leads the nation in the depth and scope of services offered for children and adults with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities.
This case has had a tremendous impact on thousands of people in Minnesota. Among other changes it brought to Minnesota are the principles that the disabled are entitled to treatment, rehabilitation services and should be able to live in the least restrictive environment.
Today, Patty Welsch has a job and lives in a group home in Brooklyn Park. She is currently in a program offered by Rise, Inc., which is a non-profit organization that helps people with different barriers find employment. Rise, Inc. is responsible for bringing together the pieces of this story including the original lawyers, family members, current care providers, old photos and of course, Patty herself.
Source: Rise, Inc.
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