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Franek Technologies Collaborates with Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department on Forensics ROI Analysis
Posted on: 10/28/


TUSTIN -- Franek Technologies, a leader in Category III-3 Laboratory Protection Systems (LPS/UPS), has entered into collaboration with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) to conduct an ROI analysis for the forensics marketplace. The study will determine the cost savings attained by applying an LPS solution to an Applied Biosystems (ABI) Genetic Analyzer used in the police department's DNA forensics laboratory. Franek's LPS protects mission critical instrumentation from inevitable power fluctuations and failure to safeguard the integrity and reliability of results. This is especially important with forensics testing, since sample volume is limited making a rerun due to suspect instrument performance impossible. It is critical that laboratory precautions are taken to protect the results from these critical samples. Equally important is to eliminate corrupted data sources and potential damage to laboratory instrumentation.

The ROI analysis will compare the overall cost of 2 robust ABI 310 Genetic Analyzers, one with LPS backup and one without, running the same DNA samples simultaneously. The LVMPD currently processes approximately 400 samples per week, resulting in upwards of tens of thousands of test results. The case study results, available in two to three months, will be typical of any mid-large metropolitan forensics department.

24/7 laboratory functionality relies on uninterrupted power delivery. Failure cannot only damage instrumentation, but also can paralyze a laboratory's ability to produce consistent and reliable results. Too many episodes of rolling brownouts/blackouts have occurred in scientific and clinical laboratories to take power availability for granted. Forensics laboratories are extremely vulnerable to such shortages due to the complexity and sensitivity of its instrumentation and automated equipment.

Franek Technologies' LPS solutions currently protect over $3 billion in instrumentation globally, including installed forensic systems at the FDA's Office of Regulatory Affairs - Forensics Chemistry Center in Cincinnati, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police DNA Forensics Unit and FBI Forensics Laboratories.

Franek Technologies, Inc. provides the scientific, research, laboratory, and informatics markets with an energy and power technology bridge, via Category III-3 "Certified Instrumentation Grade" interface devices, between the utility and its distribution network. Franek safeguards instrumentation operators from undesirable power surges, sags, and interrupts via true online LPS/UPS protection, specifically designed and engineered for critical drug discovery and clinical instrumentation applications.

Source: PRNewswire

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