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Lifetime to Launch Annual Campaign to Stop Violence Against Women, Offering Women and Families Lifesaving Information and Resources
Posted on: 01/22/


NEW YORK -- In partnership with leading non-profit organizations and governmental officials, Lifetime Television next month will launch its annual campaign "Our Lifetime Commitment: Stop Violence Against Women," offering women and their families lifesaving information and support. In addition, this year, Lifetime is taking a groundbreaking approach to addressing the pervasive problem that affects 1 in 3 women worldwide, joining its partners in a new effort to encourage women and men to work together to stop the violence.

In commemorating the 25th anniversary of the anti-violence movement and more specifically, the creation of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), many experts and organizations believe that the past strategy of leaving men out of the dialogue and the positive side of the equation to end the violence has inhibited their long-term progress. According to a Lifetime poll, nearly 80 percent of women surveyed said that they had never talked to a man about getting involved in the effort to end violence, and similarly, approximately 80 percent of men polled said they had never been asked to take part.

Thus, Lifetime will use its reach to send the message that we all need to stand together and speak out - women and men - to end the violence. Lifetime's campaign will complement the current efforts of organizations and individuals to reach out to men, including NCADV, the Family Violence Prevention Fund, MVP Strategies, Grammy-Award winning singer/songwriter Michael Bolton, actor Victor Rivers, former NFL-star Don McPherson and others.

"Our Lifetime Commitment: Stop Violence Against Women" will include extensive on-air programming, online content and outreach around the country to raise awareness of domestic abuse and sexual assault and to offer important information and resources on how women and men can help make a difference in their own lives, families and communities. Every element in the campaign will help inform and remind survivors of violence and their loved ones about two key life-saving resources, the National Domestic Violence Hotline (800-799- SAFE) and National Sexual Assault Hotline, operated by RAINN (800-656-HOPE). Research by Lifetime indicates that women want to know where to turn when they and a loved one face violence in their lives.

Lifetime's non-profit partners include: the National Domestic Violence Hotline; the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN); the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV); V-Day, a global movement to stop violence against women and girls; the Family Violence Prevention Fund; the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence; the National Center for Victims of Crime; MVP Strategies; Michael Bolton Charities; the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV); Safe Horizon; NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund; the Ms. Foundation for Women; the National Council of Women's Organizations; and many more. The campaign is sponsored by Maybelline, Pedigree Food for Dogs and T-Mobile.

"Thanks to Lifetime, many thousands of rape victims are getting the help they need, and millions more are learning about how they can help fight sexual assault," said Scott Berkowitz, founder and president of RAINN. "Lifetime has proven its commitment to stopping rape and demonstrated great leadership in the battle to bring about change. We're pleased to continue our partnership in ."

Lifetime will air the following:

* Powerful, specially-themed anti-violence episodes of its acclaimed

Sunday night line-up of original dramas, "The Division," "Strong

Medicine" and "For the People." Following each program, a PSA will air

-- with some of the show's cast members -- providing viewers resources

to help women cope with these issues in their own lives (Feb. 16);

* An original documentary -- "Together: Stop Violence Against Women" --

hosted by actor Angie Harmon and NFL star Jason Sehorn and featuring

four, diverse stories of survivors of violence that explore how women

and men can break through the legal and emotional barriers and join

together to stop the violence. Produced by the award-winning

filmmakers, Rory Kennedy and Liz Garbus, of Moxie Firecracker Films

(Feb. 16);

* A week of "Intimate Portrait (IP)" profiles of women taking a stand

against violence, including the premiere of IP: Eve Ensler, the

playwright, activist and founder of the V-Day movement to end violence

against women and girls. "IP: Eve Ensler" includes interviews with

celebrity supporters such as Calista Flockhart, Glenn Close, Jane

Fonda, Rosie Perez, Dylan McDermott, Lisa Gay Hamilton and Julia Stiles

(Feb. 18);

* A special episode of the new reality series "Final Justice" hosted by

Erin Brockovich (March 7); and segments on Lifetime's daytime magazine

programs "Lifetime Now" and "Speaking of Women's Health" (March 1); and

new public service announcements about sexual assault and domestic


On Lifetimetv.com, Lifetime will offer:

* Extensive resources and links to partners where women can find out more

information about getting involved and talking to the men in their

lives about efforts to end domestic violence and sexual assault;

* Advice from experts on how a woman can help herself or a loved one who

has faced abuse or rape;

* A downloadable educational kit to help teachers and health counselors

address the subject of domestic violence with students and young


* Streaming video of Lifetime's PSAs; and

* The opportunity to sign a Lifetime petition urging Congress to pass key

legislation, like the Debbie Smith Act, to help put more rapists behind


In communities across the nation, Lifetime will:

* Distribute 1 million laminated cards in English and Spanish that give

women lifesaving information of where to turn if they or a loved one

ever experiences domestic violence or sexual assault, including the

RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline, the National Domestic Violence

Hotline and 911 in case of emergency. The cards also will provide tips

on how to prevent violence and to engage men in the effort to stop

violence. The cards will be available to order, free-of-charge on


* Distribute Action Kits to federal, state and local governmental leaders

and advocacy organizations to support community events to help stop the

violence around the country; and

* Support the V-Day College Campaign with more than 1,000 kits to help

students produce campus performances of Eve Ensler's award-winning play

"The Vagina Monologues" around the world, which benefit community-based

anti-violence programs.

From March 3-7, Lifetime will take the campaign to the capital for the second "Stop Violence Week in Washington" to shed a national spotlight on the issue of violence against women. Working with the Bush Administration and the Congressional Women's Caucus, Lifetime will bring advocates, women and families directly affected by violence and celebrity activists together with political leaders for a Congressional briefing and other special events.

The "Stop Violence Against Women" initiative builds on the efforts of the inaugural year of the campaign to inform and support millions of women and their families. Last February, when Lifetime's special programming aired, The National Domestic Violence Hotline reported a record 900 percent surge in calls and the RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline saw an increase of 600 percent in calls -- indicating how many people are impacted by violence and need this valuable resource.

Lifetime's "Stop Violence Against Women" campaign is part of the network's history of national and local outreach to inform and support women on a range of issues affecting them and their families. Lifetime's award-winning public affairs efforts also include initiatives focused on raising breast cancer awareness, promoting the need for quality, affordable childcare and building self-esteem among women and girls.

To learn more, visit the following Web sites:

V-Day, http://www.vday.org/

National Domestic Violence Hotline, http://www.ndvh.org/

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, http://www.ncadv.org/

Family Violence Prevention Fund, http://www.endabuse.org/

RAINN, (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), http://www.rainn.org/

National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC), http://www.ncvc.org/

Michael Bolton Charities, http://www.michaelboltoncharities.com/

MVP Strategies, http://www.jacksonkatz.com/

National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), http://www.nnedv.org/

Safe Horizon, http://www.safehorizon.org/

NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, http://www.nowldef.org/

Ms. Foundation for Women, http://www.ms.foundation.org/

YWCA of the USA, http://www.ywca.org/

National Council of Women's Organizations,


Source: Lifetime Television

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