TRENTON, N.J. -- The New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NJCASA) is hosting a legislative action day on Monday, March 10 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the State House Room 103 in Trenton. Sexual assault survivors, their loved ones and rape care professionals from all over New Jersey will gather and discuss the need for stronger victims' rights.
"The purpose of the legislative action day is to provide an opportunity for participants to meet their legislators in order to advocate for public policy that is victim-centered," said Alana J. Goebel, assistant director of NJCASA. Scheduled activities include an overview of the legislative process, methods of legislative advocacy, and policy briefings. More than 20 legislators will be in attendance and several are scheduled to address the group. The event will kick off April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in New Jersey.
NJCASA is the collective voice for victims of sexual violence, their loved ones and rape crisis centers across the Garden State. Its member centers represent each of New Jersey's 21 counties. NJCASA's mission is to promote the compassionate and just treatment of victims and their loved ones, foster collaborative relationships between community systems, and affect attitudinal changes in society as they toward the elimination of sexual violence against all people.
Source: PRNewswire