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American Society for Clinical Pathology Honors CSI Star/Co-Executive Producer William Petersen
Posted on: 09/16/


CHICAGO -- The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) will honor William Petersen, star and co-executive producer of the popular TV drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation on Sept. 18, at the ASCP Annual Meeting in New Orleans.

"The decision to present the society's Special Recognition Award to William Petersen is based on our appreciation of the positive portrayal of pathology and laboratory sciences that he presents to the world in his work on CSI," ASCP President E. Eugene Baillie, MD said. "While the field of pathology is broader than forensic pathology, Mr. Petersen's talent and attention to science have significantly increased the public's awareness of the important work of the laboratory and of our profession."

CSI and Petersen have made forensic science, chemistry and criminal justice the most popular programs at many college campuses. According to an Aug. 18, , article by the Associated Press, Baylor University's forensic science program has grown nearly tenfold since CSI began. Several universities report that forensic sciences are their fastest-growing programs, while dozens of colleges are developing courses or entire programs in forensic science to meet student demand.

Petersen will accept the ASCP Special Recognition Award from Baillie at the opening ceremony for the ASCP Annual Meeting: Pathology Today at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel. The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) is the largest association of pathologists and laboratory professionals in the world, with more than 140,000 members.

Source: American Society for Clinical Pathology

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