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AACD's "Give Back A Smile" Program Restores Smiles During National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Posted on: 10/02/


MADISON, Wis. -- October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and domestic violence affects more than 5 million people in the United States each year. After suffering abuse, it is difficult for survivors to find something to smile about, and it's even harder when they don't have a smile to show. That's why through the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) Charitable Foundation, Inc.'s "Give Back A Smile" (GBAS) program, dental professionals nationwide give back the smiles to survivors of domestic violence through free restorative dental care.

"Through the Give Back A Smile program, AACD members assist survivors by treating their dental injuries that were sustained from domestic violence, so that they may reclaim their smiles, their self-esteem, and, ultimately, their lives," said Kristin Klinkner, AACD charitable foundation coordinator.

The Give Back A Smile program was established in by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry to give something back to the community. The AACD joined forces with the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence to help carry out a program that would restore the smiles of domestic violence survivors at no cost. Since then, more than 800 AACD cosmetic dentists and dental laboratories have given their time and expertise, pro bono, for the GBAS program. To date, 181 domestic abuse cases have been completed for a total dollar value of $911,501.52. Currently, 162 applicants are being treated throughout the United States.

In July , the AACD was one of only eight organizations in the world to receive the Award of Excellence and the prestigious Associations Advance America Summit Award for its GBAS program and its effort to advance American society.

For information regarding how doctors can participate in Give Back a Smile, visit . Those interested in finding help with the Give Back a Smile program can also visit the Web site, call the national hotline: (800) 773.GBAS, or send an e-mail to .

Source: American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

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