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Forensic Nursing Pioneers Ponder the Future
By Kelly M. Pyrek

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Columbia University and Vanderbilt University Schools of Nursing Host Nursing Competencies in Mass Casualties and Emergencies
Posted on: 10/30/

NEW YORK -- The Schools of Nursing of Columbia University and Vanderbilt University are co-hosting a symposium today, Oct. 30, , at the Columbia University to announce the publication of the comprehensive guide to what every nurse should be prepared to do for patients and communities in emergency situations. Attendees will learn about the International Coalition for Mass Casualty Education (INCMCE), the nursing competencies, the degree to which they are currently included in nursing curricula and examples of how they may be taught.

INCMCE developed the Educational Competencies for Nurses in Mass Casualty Events to serve as a common guide for professional nursing education programs. INCMCE has worked with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and international experts in emergency and disaster nursing to specify competencies in emergency response that can be expected of professional nurses.

Dean Mary O. Mundinger, of the Columbia University School of Nursing, said: "Columbia nurses have always been at the forefront of the response to casualties. I am delighted that we are leaders in establishing this international standard so the public knows what to expect from competent nurses."

The educational competencies cover topics such as recognition of emergencies, triage and immediate care of the injured, mental healthcare, and coordination of care within an emergency incident management system. Nurses also must have knowledge to know when their own health and welfare may be in jeopardy and have a duty to protect both themselves and others. Content appropriate to all types of emergencies, including bioterrorism, is included and can be applied to practice in differing ways depending on the specific roles and responsibilities the nurse performs within the agency, community and national response plans. The format is consistent with the standards set in the United States for baccalaureate nursing education, and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing provided significant support in the development of the competencies.

INCMCE includes more than 70 organizations representing schools of nursing, licensing boards and specialty associations. International nursing is included through such bodies as the International Association of Forensic Nurses and individual schools of nursing from five countries.

Source: Columbia University School of Nursing

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