ORANGEBURG, N.Y. -- Wondering what to do with your old wireless phone now that you've received a new one as a holiday gift? Drop off your no-longer-used phone at a Verizon Wireless Communications Store and help fight domestic violence through the company's HopeLines Phone Recycling Program. All phones collected will be recycled or sold, and either phones or cash will be donated to non-profit domestic violence agencies. What's more, you'll know you disposed of your phone in an environmentally-safe way.
In , Verizon Wireless donated nearly $45,000 to domestic violence agencies from the proceeds of phone recycling drives throughout the New York metropolitan area. As a result of HopeLine and related phone recycling programs the company has organized since , Verizon Wireless has collected more than one million used wireless phones for the benefit of domestic violence victims and advocacy groups, including nearly 85,000 wireless handsets in the New York metropolitan area.
"The HopeLine Phone Recycling program is an easy way for community-minded citizens to support domestic violence organizations," said Charles Hand, president of Verizon Wireless' New York Metro Region. "Domestic violence does not discriminate. It's all around us in places most of us would never imagine. Citizens who support the program could very well be helping their own friends or neighbors."
Domestic violence prevention and education is Verizon Wireless' chief community focus. Through its signature program, HopeLine, the company provides emergency phones to law enforcement agencies to distribute to women at risk, as well as free voicemail boxes to victims residing in shelters.
Donations are accepted at all 67 Verizon Wireless Communications Stores in the New York Metro area. For store locations and additional information, visit .
Source: Verizon Wireless