WASHINGTON -- The number of drug-abuse related visits to hospital emergency rooms (ERs) involving benzodiazepine medications
exceeded 100,000 in , a 41 percent increase since , according to the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN).
Nearly half of the emergency department (ED) visits involving
benzodiazepines -- which include such psychotherapeutic sedatives as Valium,
Xanax, Klonopin, and Ativan -- were connected with suicidal ideation, gestures
or attempts.
A new DAWN report "Demographic Characteristics of Benzodiazepine-Involved ED Visits," released today, shows that in the highest rates of
benzodiazepines-involved visits to emergency rooms were among adults age 26-
44. Between and , the rates of drug-abuse related hospital emergency
department visits involving benzodiazepines rose for young adults and adults
age 45 and older. The most dramatic jump in abuse came among 18-19 year olds,
where the rate tripled: from under 20 per 100,000 population to nearly 60. In
comparison, patients ages 20-25 experienced a 21 percent increase from to
. Those aged 45-54 also showed a marked increase in abuse, from just
over 30 per 100,000 population to 55 per 100,000 population.
"The abuse of anti-anxiety medications is a serious and growing public
health problem," SAMHSA Administrator Charles Curie noted. "Benzodiazepines
are some of our most useful and most widely prescribed medications, and are
wonders of modern medicine for patients with anxiety, insomnia, or seizures,
who are under the care of physicians. But as these medicines become more
sophisticated and more widely present in the nation's medicine cabinets, the
danger of abuse has increased. SAMHSA is working to provide treatment
services for those who abuse benzodiazepines, and prevention activities that
will educate the public about the dangers of abusing prescription
Men are now as likely as women to go to ERs because of drug
abuse involving benzodiazepines. While suicide-related ER visits involving
benzodiazepines remained stable between - , visits attributed to drug
dependence and drug-taking for psychic effects increased. Most drug-abuse
related ER visits involving benzodiazepines resulted in hospital admission,
DAWN found.
DAWN measures mentions of specific illicit, prescription and over-the-
counter drugs that are linked to drug abuse in visits to hospital emergency
departments. The report is available on line at http://www.oas.SAMHSA.gov.
SAMHSA, a public health agency within the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, is the lead federal agency for improving accountability,
quality and effectiveness of the nation's substance abuse prevention,
addictions treatment and mental health services.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration