SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced his support for Proposition 69, the DNA Fingerprint, Unsolved
Crime and Innocence Protection Act, that establishes an all-felon DNA database
for California. The Republican governor's support, in addition to Democratic
State Attorney General Bill Lockyer, underscores the bipartisan support
Proposition 69 enjoys.
"Governor Schwarzenegger is a champion for the people of California and we
are thrilled to have his support for such a critical issue," said Bruce
Harrington, the initiative's sponsor and campaign chairman. "California's
current DNA database is too small and unable to deal with the thousands of
unsolved rapes, murders and child abductions. Proposition 69 is the solution,
giving public safety officials and defense attorneys a powerful new tool that
will solve crimes and protect the innocent. Governor Schwarzenegger's
endorsement is a huge benefit to the campaign, and we look forward to working
with him and winning on Election Day."
Written by public safety experts, Proposition 69 is nonpartisan and
endorsed by every major statewide law enforcement organization, district
attorneys, sheriffs, police chiefs, crime scene investigators, victims'
advocates, Republicans and Democrats. Proposition 69 requires convicted
felons and those arrested for rape and murder to give DNA, collected by mouth
swab, not blood, for a statewide database.
Starting in , all felony arrestees will also be tested, but those not
convicted can have their sample removed from the database. Taking DNA during
the booking process at the same time as old-fashioned fingerprints and mug
shots provides police a proven high tech suspect identification tool that
results in accurate investigations. No wasted time chasing false leads, the
21st century DNA fingerprint provides proof-positive evidence of innocence or
guilt. Not including California, 34 states across America already have all-
felon DNA databases.
"Virginia has an all-felon DNA database including felony arrestees,"
California District Attorneys Association president Dave Paulson said.
"Virginia's population is less than Los Angeles County, but that state solves
more crimes with DNA than California. Virginia reports that more than 80 percent of
cold hits on the state's DNA database would have been missed if the database
had been limited only to violent offenders. The early identification of
repeat offenders is a proven result with a comprehensive all-felon DNA
Harrington's brother and sister-in-law were murdered by one of America's
most brutal serial murderer-rapists. In Northern California he is known as
the East Area Rapist, in southern California, as the Original Nightstalker.
Detectives have the rapist/killer's DNA, but California's database lacks a
matching profile. They believe the Harrington murders could have been
prevented if DNA technology and a complete database were available back then.
"Proposition 69 can prevent thousands of crimes by taking dangerous
criminals off the streets," said Harrington. "Precise DNA technology can also
make sure that innocent people are quickly exonerated. DNA is a 21st century
fingerprint that will help public safety officials save lives."
Source: Californians for the DNA Fingerprint Yes on 69