HARRISBURG, Pa. -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced today that it has awarded the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape a five-year cooperative agreement to sustain and further expand its national resource center. The agreement, which is a continuation of a previous award granted in July , calls for increased emphasis on sexual violence prevention.
"I am very pleased to see funding go to the Pennsylvania Coalition Against
Rape to expand the National Sexual Violence Resource Center," Senator Arlen
Specter said. "It is imperative that we curb the violence and lasting effects
of rape by developing initiatives to prevent it. I trust that the NSVRC will
use this funding to continue to provide services that ensure safety and
security in our communities."
Delilah Rumburg, executive director of the coalition stated, "This award
demonstrates the CDC's commitment to, and recognition of, sexual violence as
an important and urgent national problem. We have filled a tremendous void -
one which has resulted in the strengthening of sexual assault services and
programs across the nation and beyond."
A little over five years ago, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center
(NSVRC) became the first and only federally funded national resource center on
sexual violence. And the timing could not have been more crucial as the
nation's attention was quickly drawn to an onslaught of unprecedented and
often scandalous headlines and accounts involving sexual abuse in some of our
nation's most exclusive of circles -- the military, the clergy, sports and
entertainment communities, and on college campuses.
Governor Edward G. Rendell commended the coalition on its work over the
years and stressed his support for the organization. "The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape has worked diligently throughout the years on behalf of victims and their families," Rendell said. "This grant from the CDC will allow PCAR to reach out to more individuals who have been harmed so they can begin to heal and receive the necessary
counseling and assistance that is necessary."
According to Karen Baker, director of the NSVRC, "Since our official
opening in July , we have responded to nearly 7,000 requests for technical
assistance. This clearly demonstrates that a need exists, and it has been
extremely gratifying knowing that we are helping to build the capacity of
allied programs across the country. At the same time, we have developed
critical partnerships that have been instrumental in supporting our efforts to
sustain a national presence while building an infrastructure that will exist
for decades to come."
As the NSVRC continues to perform its current functions, it will broaden
services to take on a stronger and more active leadership role in the
prevention of sexual violence. "We intend to expand our focus on prevention,"
states Baker. "Sexual violence is a complex social problem that deserves and
requires a comprehensive prevention strategy. One response does not fit all
and it is imperative that we identify risk and protective factors so that we
can effectively mobilize our resources and collectively implement prevention
strategies that are broad in scope, diverse in approach, and effective in
It is estimated that one out of every six U.S. women and one out of every
thirty-three U.S. men have experienced an attempted or completed rape as a
child and/or adult. Sexual violence creates a host of health-related
problems, including injury and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as
numerous psychological conditions such as major depression, substance abuse,
eating disorders, homelessness and suicide.
The NSVRC, a project of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, collects
and disseminates a wide range of resources on sexual violence including
statistics, research, position statements, statutes, training curricula,
prevention initiatives and program information to coalitions, advocates, and
others interested in understanding and preventing/eliminating sexual violence.
Source: National Sexual Violence Resource Center; PA Coalition
Against Rape