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Vital Work of Emergency Nurses to be Honored Across the Nation During Emergency Nurses Week, Oct. 10-16,
Posted on: 10/06/


CHICAGO -- The efforts of America's 100,000 emergency nurses in providing optimal patient care and promoting health and wellness is the central focus of this year's Emergency Nurses Week, which will be celebrated Oct. 10-16, .


“Emergency Nurses: A Tradition of Excellence” is the theme chosen by the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) to recognize emergency nurses across the country, who are dedicated to serving the critical needs of patients, performing a key role in terrorism response efforts, and advocating for appropriate emergency services in the nation's hospitals.


The week is highlighted by Emergency Nurses Day on Oct.13, a day set aside to pay special honor to emergency nurses and their heartfelt commitment to patients.


“The role of emergency nursing in the United States expands beyond the traditional boundaries of the emergency department,” said Mary Ellen (Mel) Wilson, RN, president of the Emergency Nurses Association. “Today, emergency nurses serve a crucial role in responding to acts of terrorism, research, technology, flight and ground transport, geriatric care, injury prevention, and as a voice for increased funding of emergency services on the state and federal level.”


The ENA, through its state councils and chapters representing more than 25,000 emergency nurses around the world, will be celebrating Emergency Nurses Week with numerous programs and events, including:


-- Official observances of Emergency Nurses Week with proclamations from mayors and governors

-- Presentations by emergency nurses at schools, civic clubs and local businesses on injury prevention and appropriate use of emergency services

-- Health and wellness fairs

-- Distribution of Emergency Nurses Week posters ( http://ena.org/EN-Week/poster.pdf) and brochures ( http://www.ena.org/store/ ) in local communities

-- Awarding gifts and ENA memberships to emergency nurses


Emergency Nurses Week will have particular significance to emergency nurses at one hospital in Missouri. On Oct. 11, St. John's Hospital, an 866-bed, acute-care facility in Springfield, Mo., officially opens the doors to its renovated emergency department. In coordination with the event, all of the hospital's emergency nurses will receive a free, one-year ENA membership in recognition of their hard work and devotion to patients.


“Hospitals, such as St. Johns, understand that effective and successful emergency services depend on the hard work and dedication of their emergency nurses,” said Wilson. “With mounting pressures such as the national nursing shortage and increased emergency department use among patients, emergency nurses will continue to be an essential part of the nation's healthcare infrastructure.”


For more information on Emergency Nurses Week, or to find out how your organization can participate, log on to http://ena.org/EN-Week/-default.asp.


Source: Emergency Nurses Association


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