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Monmouth University Offers Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program
Posted on: 03/15/


This section will meet over the course of five consecutive days beginning Tuesday, June 7, , from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. and then Wednesday through Saturday, June 8-11, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The course will be held in Monmouth University’s Nursing Lab, located on the third floor of McAllan Hall.


The cost is $650 and attendees have an opportunity to earn 43 contact hours.


For Monmouth University forensic nursing students, this course will satisfy the requirement for the SANE course in the certificate and the MSN program.

This 40-hour program is open to any RN who has a least two years’ recent clinical experience and is interested in obtaining the in-depth knowledge and skills needed in order to provide effective healthcare and services to the victims of sexual assault. The focus of the course material will include the biological, psychological and social dynamics of sexual assault including care of both male and female survivors.


The program will provide training utilizing state of the art equipment and time will be spent in both the class and laboratory settings. The program meets the requirements of the New Jersey State Board of Nursing for education of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners.


Topics will include:

Evidence collection and analysis

Care of special victim populations

Forensic terminology and documentation

Interdisciplinary collaboration

Overview of criminal justice system including tips on testifying

Forensic photography


The course will be presented by Eileen Allen, MSN, BSN, FN-CSA, SANE-A, a nationally certified practicing sexual assault nurse examiner and coordinator of the first county-wide program in New Jersey. She has presented numerous lectures on a variety of topics related to forensic nursing for local, regional and national audiences. Guest lectures will also be presented by experts from the scientific and legal community.


For more information, contact Barbara Paskewich at or e-mail: .



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