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Elder Abuse Prevention is Put In The Hands of the Elderly; Phones For Life Gives Seniors the Security of Knowing Help is Only a Phone Call Away
Posted on: 04/14/


NEW YORK -- It is estimated that more than 2 million older Americans are victims of physical, psychological, or other forms of abuse and neglect. After a lifetime caring for their families and friends, in their later years many elders often find themselves living alone or in nursing facility, dependent on the care of others. For these vulnerable members of our society, trust in a caregiver -- be it a nurse, physician, or family member -- is vital to a sense of security. So is the ability to get help if that trust is broken when an instance of elder abuse occurs. Phones for Life, a non-profit organization based in New York City, is working to give seniors the lifeline they need and stem the rising number of cases of elder abuse.


"Having a cell phone is key to empowerment," says Dee L'Archeveque, MD, ER ACEP Critical Care, founder of Phones for Life. "The ability to summon help is crucial to preventing victimization." By collecting donated and refurbished mobile phones and distributing them to elders, Phones for Life is empowering them with technology and immediate access to emergency services.


Elder abuse can take many forms, including physical abuse, sexual assault, exploitation of material resources, or neglect. When it occurs, victims often do not know where to turn or how to get assistance. For every case of elder abuse reported, it is estimated that at least five cases go unreported.


"By arming elders with Phones for Life phones, we are telling them that they don't need to be a victim in their later years, and they are not powerless," says Phones for Life president and general manager Ray Dorman. "We know it works and it is a technology that needs to be utilized by the elderly now more than ever. We are grateful that 9-1-1 access allows people to stand up and be counted for."


Phones for Life was created in by L'Archeveque and provides emergency-use cellular phones for the elderly and the disabled. Phones for Life coordinates national phone equipment collections and drives, programs the phones for one touch emergency dialing, and redistributes them to a local donor area.


Addressing elder abuse requires a comprehensive approach from families and care facilities, law enforcement agencies and physicians. Reliable monitoring, oversight, diagnosis, and intervention when necessary should be part of a network of care, and a positive place to start is with an informed discussion of the issue between family members and caregivers. Phones for Life goes a step further and puts prevention in

the hands of seniors themselves.


Phones for Life, a non-profit started five years ago by L'Archevegue, endeavors to improve the quality of life among seniors and others with special needs by meeting their emergency medical access needs through wireless technology. Phones for Life is a national distribution center of wireless access to 9-1-1 and an informational resource center for our members throughout the country, for more information, to find a drop-off location or to donate a phone online, visit: www.phones4life.org


Source: Phones for Life




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Elder Abuse Prevention is Put In The Hands of the Elderly; Phones For Life Gives Seniors the Security of Knowing Help is Only a Phone Call Away


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