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Texas Association Against Sexual Assault Intensifies Programs to Mark Sexual Assault Awareness Month; Rape Crisis Centers, Schools, Hospitals Focus on Public Awareness During April
Posted on: 04/01/

AUSTIN, Texas -- The first day of April marks the beginning of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) is conducting a program of intensified activity to increase awareness of this "silent" crime.

Nearly 2 million adult Texans, or almost 13 percent of residents, have been sexually assaulted, according to a study by the University of Texas and Texas A&M on the prevalence of sexual assault in the state. Research has also found that fewer than 20 percent of all rapes or attempted rapes are reported to law enforcement officials, and that there is low awareness among Texans of sexual assault crisis services available in their communities.

"Rape remains the most underreported of all crimes," said Annette Burrhus-Clay, TAASA executive director. "We call it a silent crime because victims are often too afraid or ashamed to talk about it. But we know one thing: silence doesn't make the pain go away."

Sexual Assault Awareness Month is dedicated to educating the public through activities and events held by rape crisis centers and other organizations around the state. Green Ribbon Week, which is the week of April 7, encourages junior high and high school educators to address a wide variety of issues pertaining to sexual assault in order to promote student safety and awareness in schools. Students, teachers, law enforcement officers and medical personnel will wear green ribbons to symbolize their understanding of and commitment to tackling this difficult subject.

"Sexual assault is a phenomenon that affects a large portion of our society," said Burrhus-Clay. "The rate of sexual assault is rising in our state and, now more than ever, Texans need to be made aware of the services and programs in their communities that are available to help anyone who has been affected by this crime."

Television, radio and print public service announcements began appearing yesterday throughout the state as part of TAASA's "Speak Up. Speak Out." public awareness campaign, in which actual Texas rape survivors tell their stories and urge victims to seek help. The PSAs, funded by the office of Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, will appear most frequently during Sexual Assault Awareness Month and again during August in anticipation of the new school year.

In observance of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, TAASA and rape crisis centers throughout the state will host and participate in a variety of events during April and early May. Among planned activities:

-- April 1-30: "The Many Faces of Rape," San Antonio -- An art display

featuring masks decorated by survivors of sexual violence will run

throughout the month, with an unveiling ceremony on April 10.

-- April 2: Candlelight Vigil and March, various activities, Victoria --

Vigil and March will include remarks from the mayor, district attorney

and a sexual assault survivor.

-- April 3 and 10: "Voices Against Violence," San Marcos -- Community

leaders, agencies and individuals speak out against sexual assault and

abuse in their communities.

-- April 23: TLU Information booth, Seguin -- An information booth will

be set up at the Texas Lutheran University campus. Students will have

the opportunity to receive information, sign a banner that will hang

in the university center, and design a T-shirt for a clothing line.

-- April 24: "Take Back the Night," Denton -- March and candlelight vigil

honoring those affected by sexual assault. At the TWU Amphitheater.

-- May 3: See-Saw Marathon, Plainview -- A fundraising event in the

Wal-Mart parking lot to raise awareness of sexual assault issues.

-- May 6-7: Sixth Annual Border Issues Conference, El Paso -- A two-day

conference addressing the challenges facing border communities will

include sessions designed for law enforcement, educators, counselors

and others working with sexual assault victims.

For information on events in your area, please contact your local rape crisis center. Contact information for centers throughout Texas can be found on TAASA's Web site (www.taasa.org ).

TAASA is the statewide organization committed to ending sexual violence in Texas. A non-profit educational and advocacy organization based in Austin, TAASA member agencies comprise a statewide network of more than 70 crisis centers that serve rural as well as metropolitan areas. Founded in , the agency has a strong record of success in community education, legal services, youth outreach, law enforcement training, legislative advocacy, and curricula and materials development.

Source: Texas Association Against Sexual Assault

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